Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 6 days ago
You didn’t vote for the Democrats. Why would they do anything for you?
Comment on What are the democrats actually doing to help? 6 days ago
You didn’t vote for the Democrats. Why would they do anything for you? 6 days ago
Where did OP say they didn’t vote Democrat? 6 days ago
This is what Americans voted for. 6 days ago
This is the same stupid rationale that people use to say that everyone in red states deserves to suffer.
The people who made affirmative votes for trump are the minority, it just so happens that our political system gives them a disproportionate say.
Yes, there is a large part of the population that didn’t vote, but that’s a feature of our shitty system, not a bug.
So either help, or shut the fuck up and get out of the way. 6 days ago
If you don’t vote and it bites you in the ass you only have yourself to blame. Lmao. 6 days ago
Hey real quick, what country do you live in? Just gonna look up what kinds of atrocities your government has committed and accuse you personally of being complicit.