It’s just another way to convey “Nobody asked for this”
Comment on Sending the dick pic works on other guys though 2 weeks ago
What’s the purpose of putting “Nobody:” in memes now? It never used to be in memes. It adds nothing. Am I too old to understand internet culture now? 2 weeks ago 2 weeks ago
nobody: this man: What’s the purpose of putting “Nobody:” in memes now? It never used to be in memes. It adds nothing. Am I too old to understand internet culture now? 2 weeks ago
Some Person: What’s the deal with use of “nobody” in memes? 2 weeks ago
Ain’t what happened.
Somebody: *uses redundant “nobody:” meme format. *
Someone else: that was redundant, why do people do this?
Flame-baiters: quotes meme back at them