Comment on A monolithic and ruthless conspiracy: What was John F. Kennedy referring to? 1 week ago
He’s talking about the Soviet Union. This would have been clear to anyone at the time. Conspiracy just means more than one person working together. 1 week ago
It was mostly before my time, so I don’t have that kind of insight. When I read it, it sounds to me a lot like what we see happening in the U.S. today. 1 week ago
He was talking about the Soviet Union. Don’t they teach this very basic shit in school? 1 week ago
If he was talking about nothing more than the Soviet Union, why didn’t he simply say ‘we are opposed around the world by the Soviet Union’? Seems like a very complicated way of saying Soviet Union. And no, the schools I went to didn’t teach about covert global conspiracies, the likes of which John F. Kennedy was clearly warning us against here. 1 week ago
You’re not going to like this answer but he didn’t say Soviet Union because he didn’t need to. Everybody understood that ‘communism’ was ‘THE Global Conspiracy’ ever since McCarthyism took of.
Check out A conspiracy so immense : the world of Joe McCarthy by David Oshinsky to learn a little of what the attitude of the time was like.