What’s your point? The Private schooling/Oxbridge education is a marker of wealth.
What’s going unsaid here is that for a while it was possible, because of a functioning welfare state, that an approximation of the fallback that rich people had was available to the rest of us povvos; this is the issue. It also applies to business as well as art too, to be fair. Rupert can found a business selling bespoke cat earrings or whatever and if it fails he has a fall back. If I try to run a business that’s shit or doesn’t make money and it fails and I default on my mortgage.
It’s standard pearl clutching because the concentration of people who can afford to work in creative industries in the upper economic echelons of society is something worth complaining about because it matters and we’re culturally poorer as a result.
davesmith@feddit.uk 1 week ago
I worked in recording studios for nearly a decade about twenty years ago or so ago, recording all kinds of stuff including film and tv scores.
Producers and composers were overwhelmingly from a privilieged > public school > Oxbridge background. Presumably the lack of representation from other groups is either the same or worse now.
The people I worked with tended to have grown up with money/privilege (meaning it is easy to piss about producing films). But some kind of Oxbridge old boys network/snobbery mostly covers why this lack of opportunity for the general public exists. Of course Oxbridge is all about nepotism and privilege. I have lived around very privileged people and very underprivileged people. I haven’t noticed one iq point of difference between the two cohorts. If anything, being forced to struggle makes people atronger (until the amount of hardship to be endured becomes too much).
I can say that it was often the ones that acted like they expected to be waited on hand and foot, who didn’t show any class whatsoever when it came to actually paying their bills on time (often if at all).
British society is rife with it. Ultimately these type of people being in charge makes our society extremely weak.