Comment on Antenna Recommendations ⁨1⁩ ⁨week⁩ ago

you’re looking for 2 or 3, possibly more, separate antennas. consider: a groundplane, sleeve dipole, copper cactus, halo antenna or small yagi (2-3 el) for 2m; you might get away with operating them on temporary stand, or even from inside apartment. groundplane for 10m (can be made from wire; 10m is wide and you want separate, single band dipole for this reason); and some kind of wire antenna for 20m, maybe also for 10m. depending on conditions one or another might be better (vertical vs horizontal polarization, height above ground etc).

one way to make the latter is OCFD, this way you can make antenna for both 10m and 20m; for this one you’d need some matching scheme based on specific feedpoint position, specific coax lengths (5m is halfwave at 10m so won’t change impedance at this band, but can be used to match 20m) or 1:4 or some other balun. see there for more info you can also try a full-wave loop for 20m if you have enough space, it’ll work for 10m as well. same applies for matching, that is, if you don’t have autotuner (but where’s fun in that?)

these commercial antennas are expensive, you can have another radio for this kind of money
