5 weeks ago
I’m just wrapping up AC Odyssey. I’ll be heading back to Unity to finish it off soon. I still have a couple of things to finish in Black Flag, too.
I never really got into the online multiplayer aspects of AC. It really bugged me that they put trophies in the game on that, and now I can never plat the game. 5 weeks ago
Are the servers shut down on Playstation? (i’m assuming since you said Platinum your on PS). I don’t know 100% of all the achievements on there, but as long as none of them depend solely on another player being there you should be able too run Multiplayer missions Solo, i used to do it for years on my first few playthroughs when i was younger. But yeah, i get your frustration. There’s so many games in my collection i just can’t 100% because of online, whether it’s servers shutting down or just general multiplayer troubles.
How’s Odyssey btw? I’m embarrassed to admit that Odyssey i initially skipped over because i didn’t think i’d like the way the story was going being pre-assassin’s and the gameplay, but i picked up Valhalla later and loved the gameplay bit (at least in small pieces) so i’m wanting to give it a try since i got it with the entire AC bundle on Steam. 5 weeks ago
I’m sure some of the older game servers will be offline by now. Hopefully not Black Flag yet.
I’m enjoying Odyssey. I had 6 hours on the game from 2018, I decided to restart the game about a month ago, and now my total playtime is 82 hours. Last year I think I clocked about 10 hours on the Playstation in total. So this has definitely been a surprising amount of fun. I’m very driven by trophies and open world missions though. 5 weeks ago
I think Black Flag still had them online when I last checked.
I’ll have to play odyssey soon though. I was looking for an AC game to play after my Planned eventual playthrough of AC 3