Triangles are just broken Hexagons. When given the opportunity they will form back into the best shape, the Hexagon which is the Bestagon.
Comment on Hexagons are bestagons, we shall destroy Pentagon! 2 days ago
The triangle’s where it’s really at ∇ . Hexagons fanboysare always saying “but what about benzene? Obviously only a superior shape must occur naturally like that!”. But hear this, hexagooner: What about ozone? What about water? Also, don’t you know we can make hexagons by grouping triangles ? Heck, you can make any polygon with enough triangles.The only question is why we’d ever want to do that if we already have triangles, because triangles are the best shape. Δ ∇ Δ ∇ 2 days ago 2 days ago
Hehe 2 days ago
OK either way we must destroy Pentagon