Comment on Let's talk...wait... No! Not like that! 5 weeks agoI’m unhinged? You’re the one complaining that there was no “real convo” and now you get all upset and aggressive when I ask a simple follow-up question to your statement. I thought you “knew what you are afraid of” but here you are immediately trying to deflect.
Are you afraid of direct answers and making clear statements? 5 weeks ago
I’m not deflecting anything you are an unhinged loser. I hope you get the help you need peace out 5 weeks ago
What have I done that’s “unhinged”? Asked you a simple question?
This is an “every accusation is a confession” situation isn’t it? 5 weeks ago
yes dude you’re oh so intelligent and we are all crazy and ur a god amongst men. fucking loser get a life 5 weeks ago
Do you know what the word “accuse” means? You accused me of 7 things in this comment alone.