Sadly, they are hoping for a violent revolt from the people, because that means they can call the military in to murder civilians
Sadly, they are hoping for a violent revolt from the people, because that means they can call the military in to murder civilians 5 weeks ago
Thats why these blackout protests are so important. Dont spend a fucking dime. Its time to revolutionize revolutions. 5 weeks ago
I’m thinking we might really need to push for a General Strike. 5 weeks ago
Stick it to the man, man.
Image 5 weeks ago…/supporting-uaws-call-align-contract-exp…
If March 15 doesn’t work out, three of the largest unions are having contract negotiations which happen to be happening around May 1st, Mayday, or Labor Day for the rest of the civilized world. They’re pushing for a strike amongst the three and I think it would be a great time to get everyone else on board. May is far enough away for organizing still, although it feels like May is waiting too long in some ways. But perhaps by May things will be so bad others can be convinced to join.