Comment on What keeps Americans from being mad about the state of their country? 2 weeks agoI don’t think so. America will never settle in one or two people to be their leader. They need you to be a leader or they need you to give your support to someone else phones a decent enough leader to represent you. What you want is a magic bullet. Some one else to solve all your problems all at once. It doesn’t exist. Americans are notorious in their purity tests and infighting. When what all the American people need to do is compromise then there is no leader that can convince them to compromise for himself. 2 weeks ago
I think we are talking about leadership at different points of time.
The leader that America needs right now is someone to articulate and draw people together behind the idea of “Throwing the bums out” and in that context there is a large coalition of people that agree with that sentiment.
What happens after the bums are gone is where the in-fighting and purity tests start to take hold. But having the opportunity to argue about whether Leader A’s policy of taxing the billionaires at 90% vs. Leader B’s policy of 70% tax rate on them would be a welcomed change.