Comment on Thursday SOTD Thread - Sep 28, 2023 ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Otto go Hone


I followed’s foot steps and used my Bismarck with SV soap today, but I left out the most important step of his: refreshing the edge. To my big surprise, the edge has not magically improved since my last shave with it and I had passable, if slightly tuggy shave. The Iron Chancellor needs to go on the hone before his next sortie. At least I didn’t have any reason to make “Blood and Iron” puns.

I wonder about the branding of this razor. Really the only famous Bismarcks I know of are the Iron Chancellor, who is one of the main (if inadvertent) architects of WW1, and the (Nazi) battleship of the Kriegsmarine named after him. Neither of these two are great reasons to name a product after, IMO.
