Comment on I have seen myself mentioned a few times out of the blue and I have a few things to say/ask 1 month agoNiotabunny responded to this misunderstanding. The two halves of their first sentence doesn’t even sound the same. They and CraigOhMyEggo are not me, I am not them, and putting words in peoples’ mouth does not make them their words, no matter what excuse you want to give to say it’s right to put words in someone’s mouth, including with things I said to some person three years ago that you feel the right to go everywhere to “expose”. They’re my words and my intentions to elaborate on, and in one of those cases, even how it came across wasn’t negative. Funny how you validate your own speculation before invalidating someone’s explicitly mentioned DID (which I don’t have and never said I had). a little help please? 1 month ago
You literally said that you own the NiotaBunny account on Reddit.
Nobody is invalidating anyone. I’m pointing out that when you make an impersonation account, you will sometimes try to emulate specific traits of those people. You also did this on your art-dude Newgrounds account. Art-dude was a forumer on DeviantArt from the UK, and on your art-dude Newgrounds account you put your location as being from a place in the UK. 1 month ago
And what I meant by that is they were “ghostwriting” for me, which goes even deeper than the “commissioning” I mentioned.
You’re probably going to keep dangling that misunderstanding over peoples’ heads and you’re only going to get the same response each time. It’s not “gaslighting”, it’s literally pointing out not everything is as simple as you claim.
If a marriage document was written with the nuance we said those things in, including what you claim about the “I” (which actually throws your claims about DID into question), it wouldn’t be legally binding because they’re so situationally specific.
All this coming from the same person (you) who thinks I’m a compulsive liar. If you think I’m a compulsive liar, why do you take things I say that suit you as gospel? I would speculate it’s because that’s not what this is all about.
If you’re so convinced that I have ever set out to impersonate anyone, that I ever said I was from the UK, or even that the other Niotabunny has DID, cite an example of any instance where this was outright mentioned. For starters, you act like there isn’t a Leicester right South of Rochester where I’ve been for a while. 1 month ago
This is one of your accounts, attempting to impersonate Art-Dude, a forum regular from DeviantArt, and then you attempted to gaslight in the bio about a site being “mistaken” if someone happens to find the real Art-Dude.
Image 1 month ago
That’s called quelling misunderstandings. Would you rather I hadn’t clarified anything? The site also operates on a very different naming system, hence the generic name, which is gender-neutral. 1 month ago
Let’s say you asked someone “is this your car” and they responded “I acquired it for the time due to urgency, yes”. Then a week later you ask them for a ride, and they respond that it was a rental vehicle and that they don’t have it anymore. Are you going to take it out on them?