Comment on Anon visits a bookstore 4 weeks agoYeah, people should. Don’t make it sound like every book on the market currently is just bullshit self-help books. Go buy a copy of any novel of George Orwell/Stefan Zweig/Franz Kafka, or, The Handmaid’s Tale, Of Mice and Men, Fahrenheit 451, etc etc etc…
There are so many great world classics on the market that you can probably buy for dirt cheap if you live in the west.
Or better yet, go on Standard E-books and browse a huge, copyright-free collection of old books, of the writers being Shakespeare, Nietzche, Homer, Oscar Wilde and much, much more.
Don’t let a post from fucking 4chan of all places to dissuade you from reading. 4 weeks ago
Well, i was already holding my opinion before this 4chan post; this just gave me opportunity to formulate it.
However, it is important to note that many people say “people should read more books” without in any way, implicit or explicit specifying which books to read.
There are a lot of people saying “they’re gonna educate themselves through youtube”, but in the end, not all youtube videos that seem to have good content, actually have good content. There’s a lot of videos containing pseudo-clever thoughts, that lead people to believe they have learned something, while actually, they haven’t. And the people often even pay/donate for it. That is my consideration.
It is the same with books: By reading “books”, people are often caught in reading not-actually-all-that-great books, like all (or most of) the modern stuff, and that does not help anyone. 4 weeks ago
I apologize, I hadn’t understood your thoughts very well. Thanks for clarifying.