Comment on community linuxmemes seems to be unmoderated ⁨11⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Hey there! The moderator of that community is actually modding. Last activity as a mod, according to the mod log was 17 hours ago. From what I can see, the mod removed the racist post you’ve linked to and banned the account that posted it. It looks like the offending user didn’t like being banned and logged into an alternative account and reposted the same meme just 34 minutes ago. It also looks like the moderator, just a month ago, asked for help modding the community and didn’t get too many responses. I’m sure they would love getting some help with modding from you. But, to say they are not doing their job is inaccurate. Unfortunately, there are some users who just insist on re-posting content that was removed and they get irritated when they’re banned, so they do it again from another account. Dealing with these people is like a game of whack-a-mole.
