This isn’t a first, quantum teleportation has been a thing since 1997. The breakthrough here is teleporting the information of an entire logical gate. The usecase here enables them to link multiple smaller quantum processors together so they can act as one bigger system.
Comment on Oxford scientists achieve teleportation with quantum supercomputer 1 day ago
Look, as someone that’s not afraid to be wrong I’m gonna say that I’m skeptical and say that I don’t trust this is real until I’ve read the research papers.
Reading the news nowadays kinda feels like “trust me bro” unless there are several additional systems based on logic that corroborates what is said as truth. 1 day ago 1 day ago
It’s real, but the jargon is unintuitive.
“Teleportation” in the field of quantum mechanics refers to the process by which a quantum state can be copied from one place to another.
This process is like Shrodinger’s Cat, both alive and dead until you open the box to check. Quantum information simply does not exist until a measurement collapses it into back into classical information. 1 day ago
Couldn’t agree more. At first when I read it, I was like “wow”, the my logical brain did a re-read and I was like “doubt”.