6 days ago
There have been many studies suggesting austerity measures do not provide real improvement and may trigger downward economic spirals. Cutting benefits is an attempt to provide an underpaid workforce to corporations siphoning wildly unequal shares of profit off the wider population. A thing which also leads to downward economic spirals. So it is not different in the least to the Conservatives, neither party places the welfare of the majority of its constituents above that of business. 5 days ago
All austerity measures do is increase the wealth concentration to the richest of the rich. 5 days ago
When they cut winter fuel allowance do you think their own homes went cold. When they cut benefits do you think they will cut their own tax payer funded expenses, because expenses is just another word for benefits. Everything you need to know is right there in those two questions. 4 days ago
Except they didn’t cut it, they made it means tested. 3 days ago
Annoyingly they’re doing actually objectionable stuff and all anyone seems to hark back to is the fuel allowance being cut to kill pensioners or however the Tories, Nick Ferrari, et al. want to frame it.