You do realize you can still withhold federal, but not state taxes?
You are giving false equivalency arguments. You are equating Musk’s abilities to some direct link in your taxes, as though the 25% you pay each paycheck is funding him. It isn’t. It is still funding garbage collection, national parks, welfare programs, and other critical infrastructure. Your taxes haven’t started going to new places. They are doing the exact same thing they have always done. You are being reactionary, and it comes off like you are either 15 years old and just learning about taxation, or 55 and learning about Libertarianism. Get a grip on yourself, realise that there is still work to be done, and being an infant about this shit isn’t doing anything but wasting people’s fucking time. If you don’t want to pay taxes, don’t. But don’t lie and say it’s about Musk. It’s selfishness. It’s because you can’t manage what money you have, and you think that little bit extra is going to make a difference. It won’t, though. You’ll still be broke because you spent all your money on weed and black light posters. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
And I’m also aware of how much it will completely fuck you over if you do it. 5 weeks ago
I was with you but if you’re calling out logical fallacies your ad homenims are a little much against the guy, who I agree, sounds 15 or a 55 sovcit.
The majority of your post is valid though, outside of the personal attacks.