Anarchists believe in a government with direct democracy, you are arguing against a strawman
Comment on What do you think of anarchism? 5 weeks ago
Anarchism is the worst a society can devolve into.
And people who believe that certain anarchy “models” can work, know nothing about the psychology of larger groups.
When large groups of people need to live together there needs to be structure and rules, and the rules need to be upheld by a governing body.
The best way we have to form that governing body is democracy. 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
Oh you mean a democracy that isn’t flawed like the USA.
Scandinavian countries have direct democracy, and they are in no way 4 weeks ago
Maybe you mean general elections on every detail of law, but again, that’s impossible, it’s stupid, it’s a waste of time and resources to have people decide how farmers interact with suppliers and dairy, something 99.9% of all people have no knowledge of.
this is not a problem in any real world anarchist society, what actually happens is building law through consensus, look at the way the zapatistas organize for example.
showing up to the meetings isn’t mandatory, but they have one day off where everyone is allowed to participate, in the event of a tie, they vote, but most decisions are made through consensus.
also I think you vastly overestimate how much laws need to be changed, lawmakers will not endlessly go back and forth about unimportant things. did you know most members of congress in the us don’t even read the bills they sign? How much work is it really to help with making law once a week or so? 4 weeks ago
this is not a problem in any real world anarchist society that has ever existed
As in none. 5 weeks ago
you can’t prove this. 5 weeks ago
As I stated, people defending anarchy doesn’t understand the psychology of larger groups.
I can only say that EVERY successful society has a central government. If Anarchy could work as well, how come there are no successful anarchy societies.
Not as in so few, but NONE! If it should work so well, why has no country ever even tried? When a country is thrown into anarchy because the government is removed, and nothing replaces it. It always turns out the same. Extreme violence, theft and hunger.
That’s what is shown to happen when Anarchy reigns. 5 weeks ago
there are 5 weeks ago
Bullshit. 5 weeks ago
you don’t define success. 5 weeks ago
I absolutely do, as in NOT being dominated by Extreme violence, theft and hunger.