No previous attempt has been tied to having a specific number to buy and sell like this one does though as all accounts are essentially numbers.
Then there’s all the other signs which are also metaphorical (you really should know that and it is noteworthy when someone doesn’t) . I don’t believe in this but it’s odd. 5 weeks ago
Also, as I understand it, the Book of Revelation essentially only barely squeaked its way into the Bible anyway under the belief that its author was the same John as the John that wrote the Gospel of John; if it had been believed to have been authored by anyone else then it would have been left out because it was hardly a unique representative of its genre. 5 weeks ago
John went to and had visions on the island of Patmos, supposedly known for its abundance of psychedelic mushrooms. See also Jakub, whose stories are referenced by the “Nation of Islam.” 5 weeks ago
Yakub has nothing to do with the Bible though? 5 weeks ago
It’s just another anecdote of wild “visions” being had on that specific island.