Comment on Why did Nvidia stock drop with R1 hype? 9 hours ago
stocks are a confidence game. china showed you can do a lot more with less and i think there was a pretty widely acknowledged awareness that there was already a bubble… now i’m not a fancy economist but this is what i’ve gathered 9 hours ago
It’s not a lot more, overall still behind GPT, but it is done with less. So there’s a slight efficiency gain at least, but most of it is hypeaganda. 6 hours ago
This isn’t true. R1 trades blows with O1 which is the best model that OpenAI released so far - all the hype on O3 is just vaporware until we have an actual product. Most of the buzz isn’t because China made a comparable model with less, it’s because they released the weights for free.
Why would you pay $200/month to OpenAI when you can use R1 for free? Better yet, companies can now self-host it for better security and way cheaper costs. The hype is warranted. 24 minutes ago
It “trades blows” but still comes up short of o1 overall.