Comment on Don't forget where we came from and what shaped us as a species. The Jungle. 4 weeks agoI’m not saying you’re wrong, but our elite class seems determined to stay there, and historically violent revolution is what unseats them and allows their wealth to be redistributed from their Scrooge McDuck vaults.
Nonviolent resistance might work, but we haven’t seen the kind of mass wealth dispersion that will be necessary.
And the elite are content to drive us right into extinction via the climate crisis and the plastic crisis. Even if you make technology that disrupts the meat market, they’re going to legally wrest control of it from you (unless you are rich enough to defend it from Nestlé). Regardless, when it comes to the climate crisis, the deal is done. The pooch is screwed. We know after the collapse the upper limit of sustainable population will be about one billion, and that number dwindles with each day of inaction.
Meanwhile the industrial world is choosing far-right parties over the usual neoliberal crap we’ve endured through the latter half of the twentieth century, so we’re not even serious about managing the climate crisis without the aforementioned revolution (and in that case, into some kind of communal government, since the typical outcome of a people’s revolution is a chain of dictators).
Good luck convincing our officials, elected or not, to choose veganism over the meat industry, or even nutrition over junk food. You will need all you can get. 4 weeks ago
So be the change, Uriel238! You are against suffering, slavery and destruction? Against the greedy elite who brutaly and recklessly exploit the weak instead of protecting them? See what I did there? :) Veganism is not the only solution, but no solution will ever be enough without it. Plus it’s the easiest Fuck You to the ruling class. Stop paying for dead animal parts next time you’re shopping at the supermarket. It feels really good to not take part in this evil system of misery and annihilation. 4 weeks ago
Dude, I already have doubts if I am worth my footprint, if we’re going to think in transactional terms. It’s easy to decide if cutting out meat is the only way I can make a difference, then why not cut out everything else as well? Should people kill themselves in order to spare nature the cost of their upkeep?
When we talk about the generation of greenhouse gasses, and the rising global average temperature, companies pollute in a day (in some cases, an hour) what humans produce across their lifetime. US suicides (49,000 per year, as of 2022, and rising with hate-crime and rampage killing rates) are barely a blip.
Maybe folks in the alt-right believe that human lives, at least the ones they don’t like, are worth less than the resources they consume, but a lot more believe the lives are worth the resources they consume, which is, again, insignificant to the ever-burning fires of industry.
Quitting meat doesn’t stick it to the man in any significant way, any more than self immolation does. 4 weeks ago
Quitting meat will lead to a little less suffering, destruction and exploitation. It costs you just some self-reflection and a change of habit. But Uriel238, obviously a fellow leftist, refuses this. You want others you to to change first. But they, as you said, won’t. Reflect on that. 4 weeks ago…/meat-production-tonnes?tab=c…
that doesn’t work 4 weeks ago
Yes, of course, the revolution hinges entirely on my behavior and no one else’s.
Your unquantified adjectives are doing a fuckton of heavy lifting. Tread lightly, qualified-friend, you are one step away from a block. Think of me whatever you will, but your manipulative bullshit will not be tolerated beyond this warning.