Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 4 weeks ago… why do you persist then?
Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 4 weeks ago… why do you persist then? 4 weeks ago
You persist too. But I would never suggest your existence depended on mine. But then I don’t think the universe revolves around me.
I do love the idea that my mother gave birth to me 47 years ago with the plan that I would one day grow up and frustrate you on the internet. 4 weeks ago
I know humor is not lost on you. I’ve made my point many times. If you need me to clarify, I will, otherwise there nothing to say here. 4 weeks ago
Feel free to clarify how I only exist to irritate you. You never even clarified how I am a Trump apologist and you aren’t despite you fitting the same criterion you used on me. 4 weeks ago
… these questions are self flatulation. Be serious or be done.