It’s bad and not in an enjoyable way, maybe it would work better as a theme park ride.
Comment on Section 31 Is Now the Lowest-Rated Star Trek Project on Rotten Tomatoes 4 weeks ago
Ok. Now I definitely decided that this is the first ST movie I won’t waste time on.
Never thought I’d see the day. 4 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
I mean, it’s pretty fuckin’ bad, but that being said it’s basically a 2-part pilot for a show that will never be made, which helps sand down a few of the roughest edges. It’s not completely unwatchable and has a few mildly interesting ideas and designs. 4 weeks ago
Honestly it’s a movie about stuff and occasionally has some star trek sounds and maybe some music once in a while.
It has very little that makes it star trek in any sense.
The equivalent is Ford 150 branded deodorant stick. It’s technically labeled as if it has something to do with Ford trucks, but it’s deodorant for your arm pits.
Add all the other issues with the movie on top of this starting point.