Comment on Is anyone planning on doing anything about trump creating a concentration camp at guantanamo bay? 4 weeks agoNot him. The officers carrying out his unlawful orders.
“Just following orders” is not an excuse nor a pardon: military members can be criminally convicted for following an unlawful order. They just need to know what kind of order is illegal for them to follow. 4 weeks ago
Even in that case I’m not really sure. The most i know is military are tried by military courts which aren’t really state or federal. 4 weeks ago
That is not true. They are tried in military courts when they are charged with violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice.
When they are tried for state crimes, they are charged in state court; municipal offenses, municipal court. Federal offenses (other than the UCMJ), federal court.
If they break the laws of your state, they can be charged and convicted in your state.