4 weeks ago
I guess it is better to go for games that are cooperative and where everyone can contribute how they can without pressure. So I would suggest strategy games where everyone decides together what to do and all the players are united against the game, but in a way that it’s harder to put the blame on someone if they fail to do what’s expected of them (Ex : Hanabi). Here are some of my favourites that corresponds to this :
Forbidden Desert 4 weeks ago
If you like Horrified, you should try and track down the Ravensburger Wonder Woman game. Similar style but has an awesome mechanic to prevent coop quarterbacking.
Players strategize using a set of face up cards, but receive some face down cards afterward and have to program 3 actions using the whole set without communicating, adapting plans based on the newly revealed cards. Then each action plays out simultaneously for all players. It makes sense in action and is really quite elegant. I’m a big fan. 4 weeks ago
Ouhhh that’s interesting. I love Horrified, it is one of my favourite game, but unfortunately I often end uo quaterbacking while I would prefer people sharing their thoughts. Will check this one out for sure, thanks for the suggestions ! 4 weeks ago
Ping me back with your thoughts if you find yourself a copy!