3 weeks ago
- Tiny Epic Zombies is a cooperate, often hilarious, always satisfying zombie survival simulator. +Tiny Epic Dinosaurs is a mildly competitive, generally delightful Jurassic Park / Petting zoo simulator.
- Tiny Epic pirates is a crunchy but quick pirate simulator where most interactions are your human controlled pirates evading the automated Navy while racing for loot.
- The Fast and the Furious (board game) is a fantastic quick co-op romp.
- Here to There is a story driven light economy game ever the focus is on building your economy engine to unlock the next interesting story twist.
- Machi Koro lacks a co-op variant, but it’s pretty chill and it’s easy to house rule the aggressive competitive cards to pay out from the shared bank.
- The Book of Madness is a fantastic light Co-op deck builder with great positive interactions and a fantastic theme (students at Hogwarts trying to close an evil book)
- Caverna is a robust building game with chill interactions.
Already mentioned, but worth reiterating:
- The Crew
- Tokaido
- Ticket to Ride
- Forbidden Island/Skies/Dessert/Forrest
- Pandemic
And he sure to check out Rhado Runs Through for game reviews. He plays mostly with his wife, and so always reviews how the game feels to play together without backstabbing.