5 weeks ago
If you haven’t noticed that a lot of things in your life are political, I feel sorry for your lack of grasp on reality. The taxes you pay are political. The laws you have to follow are political. Decisions on how your kids go to school are political. How you work (you payment, your job- and personal safety) - guess what, it’s political. If the CDC will protect you against the next pandemic, if the FDA will protect you against being poisoned - it is all political.
Tune out reality at your own risk. You should have paid attention to this ages ago. 5 weeks ago
Nothing in his life would really be that much different if he paid attention. 1 vote doesn’t make a difference and all it would do is stress him out more. If a million people paid attention, sure nut if we are talking about one person, ignorance is bliss when it comes to politics. I’m a Vet, I’ve paid attention my entire adult life, I’ve watch my parents get wrapped up in the fear and anger of it. Live your life OP, politics are terrible, hateful and depressing. Our country is wrecked, now isn’t the time, it’s far too late.