As someone older who has experience with an egocentric, narcissistic father, there are many ways they can fuck you up without any direct aggression. There’s no need to go all Reddit “CUT ALL TIES IMMEDIANOW!!1!!1”, but watch out for yourself, no one else will.
If you’re under 18 and in the US your parents could lose legal custody over guardianship and you could become a child of the state; and orphan, for denying you an education.
You do have the wrong image in your head. Abuse is not limited to physical abuse. Frankly, it’s the emotional and psychological stuff that can be much more scarring in the long term (not to mention harder for others to recognize). 5 weeks ago
Emotionally pressuring you to step back from education.
There are plenty of people outside looking in, that would call this abuse. 5 weeks ago 4 weeks ago
You are arguably insulted and neglected. 4 weeks ago
As someone older who has experience with an egocentric, narcissistic father, there are many ways they can fuck you up without any direct aggression. There’s no need to go all Reddit “CUT ALL TIES IMMEDIANOW!!1!!1”, but watch out for yourself, no one else will. 4 weeks ago
If you’re under 18 and in the US your parents could lose legal custody over guardianship and you could become a child of the state; and orphan, for denying you an education. 4 weeks ago
You do have the wrong image in your head. Abuse is not limited to physical abuse. Frankly, it’s the emotional and psychological stuff that can be much more scarring in the long term (not to mention harder for others to recognize).