Microsoft inventions that made the gaming space a better competitive environment:
Always online single player: GFWL
Pay to play online: Ace
Pay to play console online up till last year: MW
Pay to play F2P console online: for over a decade
And that’s just from the top of my head. The closest thing in the known universe to the behaviour of Microsoft is a tumour. It sends metastases to other organisations and then it assimilates and deletes any identity the original organisation had.
Microsoft needs to be broken from Xbox, it already has a monopoly on the gaming sphere by controlling the OS of the majority, now it wants to metastasise to other platforms to begin assimilation. The future of core gaming is bleak. 3 weeks ago
Legitimately though, along with Games For Windows Live was the Games For Windows initiative, which did standardize controller support on PC. It standardized it in a way that benefited themselves, but it was an important step toward arriving where we are today, where there’s no longer some weird distinction between “PC games” and “console games”.