Comment on Linus T..... (choose wisely) 5 weeks agoYeah so I really like Louis Rossman but he’s kinda inconsistent. His recent video brings up his narcissistic behaviour but a couple months ago there was this:
And this video was posted wayyy after Linus’ narcissistic behaviour was on full display. Not to mention in terms of harmful youtube channels out there I feel like ltt is really not that horrible comparatively. ltt is a proponent for right to repair and consumer protection. Not to say we shouldn’t continue to criticize Linus but I don’t know about completely discounting ltt 5 weeks ago
Louis definitely has some ass hole characteristics too, but he has some solid points. $65k for a sponsor? ltt only cares about $, it shows big time.
also, all YouTube personalities are narcissistic lol 5 weeks ago
How else should LMG pay the 150+ people they got working there? Not to mention All the projects, testing lab, the new public LAN / Badminton center, taxes, ect. People dont seem to understand money on business scale all they see is a number bigger than they can conceive compared their personal bank account. 5 weeks ago
that’s the same defense from companies who pay their employees shit and make billions in profit. profit shouldn’t exist. 5 weeks ago
Louis’ point wasn’t about the price of the sponsorship. His point was that he was that Linus was justifying himself by pointing at the forum post, but the forum post isn’t worth $65k, and that Linus can’t compare a forum post to several sponsored segments.
It’s also worth mentioning that $65k is the highest number on that list, A midroll is $7k. 5 weeks ago
there were a lot of points, one being if you pushed honey through a video, a video should have been used to say delete honey, not hide it somewhere no one goes, that’s some shady “terms and conditions” bullshit 5 weeks ago
Why would he tell people to delete honey? At the time he didn’t know about the coupon issue, so in his head it still gave consumers the best deal.
Should he tell people to delete Honey so he can get more money from affiliate marketing? 5 weeks ago
65k for a sponsored video seems fine? What is the point you are trying to make? It might be interesting to compare it with other forms of advertising.