Yeah so I really like Louis Rossman but he’s kinda inconsistent. His recent video brings up his narcissistic behaviour but a couple months ago there was this:
And this video was posted wayyy after Linus’ narcissistic behaviour was on full display. Not to mention in terms of harmful youtube channels out there I feel like ltt is really not that horrible comparatively. ltt is a proponent for right to repair and consumer protection. Not to say we shouldn’t continue to criticize Linus but I don’t know about completely discounting ltt 5 weeks ago
I feel like a lot of this is wrong. He only knew about the creator link hijacking, not the anti consumer practice of not using the best Coupons.
Additionally he did drop honey? He didn’t keep pushing it.
If he didn’t know about the fake coupon comparison how is he leaving the fanbase to get scammed? 5 weeks ago
so if you took money from a company, then found out they’re shady as shit and stealing money from the users that you probably helped start using their service, would you just stop using them, or would you feel obligated to say something to the millions of people you convinced to use it? I’ve never used honey, it was pretty clear to me they would have to have your history and data to do what they offer.
do you think it’s enough to just stop using them and not help those that you lead down the wrong path, for fear it would damage your “image”? he’s scummy man, no better way to put it, especially since money was involved. 5 weeks ago
At what point did he know they were ‘stealing from users’? Do you mean the thing where they don’t use the best coupon code? Because Linus has stated multiple times he didn’t know about, only the affiliate link changing, which only effects creators, not users.
What does history and data have to do with any of this? Of course they would have it.
I feel like a lot of different points are getting conflated and mixed into one point. Which is making it hard to address points.
As for what he should have done given the information he had at the time. Dropping the sponsor seemed ok. Anyone that cares about let sponsors can go to their forum, give feedback, and read why they have dropped sponsors. 5 weeks ago
He still keeps saying something along the lines of honey still gets people the best deals, even though the coupon codes are part of the scam. (Honey coupon 10% off, but you can find 20% and 30% off on other coupon websites, honey does not get the best deal almost never. 5 weeks ago
He is not saying that at all? He said, at the time he believed that was the case. Which he knows now is not true. But back then he only knew about the affiliate link redirection, which only effected creators not consumers. 5 weeks ago
I did hear him say those words on the wan show, but maybe I might have missed what he said before that or idk. Seemed weird if he was doubling down.
He also said in the wan show a few times that he never watches YouTube and only reads comments for the gist of it, so maybe he is uninformed. Idk