Comment on I have no interest in hosting a nazi party site ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Sucks to be in the position to have to make decisions like that.

Thing is also that the platforms are free and open and distributed. If someone wants their "don't you hate juice?" Forum, they can make it and nobody can stop them, and as long as you abide by other communities standards (and to be honest I can't in some cases, hence being instance blocked across half the lemmyverse), you can still participate in other communities as well through federation.

Being honest, it's easy for me to advocate for free speech since my users are overwhelmingly decent. If my sites started turning into something terrible, I'd probably have to step in too. It isn't someone else's name and brand and hardware doing the work, it's mine. Hate to say it, but as much as I appreciate my users, I'm not their dad and I'm not going to sit there if they're shitting on my lawn.
