1 week ago
Cats can definately see that we are much larger than them, but don’t think they are threatend by us, we mostly act predictably, we grow to understand them and their needs.
As for yawning, cats yawn as well, and that doesn’t signal an attack.
A cat express their emotion primarily through their ears and secondarily through their tail.
We don’t have as expressive ears, nor a a tail, true, but we act in different ways which a cat can learn and feel comfortable with. 1 week ago
It absolutely does!!! Any kitty that yawns is just too cute, and will therefore recieve a snuggle attack! 1 week ago
While that is the obvious conclusion to a kitten yawning, the suggle attack did not originate from the kitten. 1 week ago
Nah. That kitten knew what it was getting into the second it decided to use “cute yawn”. This is a pokemon battle, and snuggle attack is my counter attack to “cute yawn”. Just like when the kitten uses “rub head on your leg” it prompts “human picks up kitten and snuggle attack”.
Yeah, basically everything counter attacks with snuggle attack. Pokemon only have 4 moves, and I can’t replace “Feed” “Clean litter box” or “Talk about my day as if the cat understands english from across the room”. My moveset is kind of set in stone at this point.