Comment on Why The Government Has Infinite Money

<- View Parent ⁨9⁩ ⁨months⁩ ago

Have you forgotten what Ruzzia does to its people?

Just to remind you:

You are not allowed free expression. You can be arrested for holding a blank sign.

Homosexuality is restricted if not forbidden completely in some regions. There is no protection for anyone in the LGBTQ+ spectrum.

It is a dictatorship in every single sense of the word. Elections are fake, and speaking put against it is forbidden.

Most people live in horrible conditions as all money has been taken by the elites.

Anything but “ruSSian culture” is ignored. the USSR is taken as a deity.

I can continue on, but you get the point.

Giving up, surrendering, does not mean only the death of the state. It is the death of democracy. Of free speech. Of anything that is ukranian. Houndreds of thousands of ukranians would be arrested for speaking out. How many more would die? Giving up would be the death of ukranian culture, its language, hundreds of years of history. This what ruzzia does, and this is what they intended to do.

And do you seriously think that Ukraine giving up would be the end, though? Seriously? It’s like saying that everything ended after the US invaded Iraq or Afghanistan. Of course not. Fucking hell the invasion itself was supposed to be the easy part. There would be descent all over, hidden cells that would cause as much chaos to this new “management.” It would never end.

They could support groups with weapons, supplies, communication or training or some other way. And they didn’t use any of these ways to back euromaidan. It was not backed. It was a grassroots movement.

I would not blame the United States for “increasing risk of nuclear war.” It’s ruzzia that constantly swings its nukes around. Are you seriously gonna be like, “Oh sure, let them bully everyone because of their nukes” nah fuck that. I am more than confident that not only the orcs do not have the stupidity to use their arsenal, if they did, its them who would be exterminated, not the free world.

Finally, he is using ruzzian or Chinese propaganda, hard to tell because they are so bloody similar to this issue. It is odd to me that ML supporting ruzzia would surprise you? Why? Most MLs and tankies work on “America bad” logic. So they support any and all of America enemies. Be it China, ruzzia, North Korea, or Cuba. It does not matter, just so they can be against the us.

His whole video and and most of channel works on that logic, and this specific video is pro ruzzia. He never specifically criticises ruzzia, he sure loves telling bullshit about Ukrainians and making them just pawns in a game us is playing. Which is extremely insulting and degrading if you ask me.
