Comment on Motorists able to lock in low petrol prices for 24 hours under Victoria’s new ‘fair fuel’ plan 4 weeks ago@Salvo @Zagorath EV batteries so far are generally outlasting the expected/rated lifespans significantly. Yes, the range reduces and first gen EVs have more marked range reduction, but batteries can be replaced and the old battery repurposed as a stationary home battery or similar for a significant period before ultimately being recycled. 4 weeks ago
Yep those OG passively/air cooled batteries really have done a dent in the reputation for battery lifespan, hopefully over the next 10 years as more people understand that we’ve been on actively/water cooled batteries for like 10 years now that the lifespan degradation is much slower…/SSE-AD-18401866/
7 year old EV with just 24KM range loss
EV’s have come a long way in a very short time, just like how big of an impact Solar is having some people haven’t kept up