Comment on Just think about it 1 month agoNothing is completely safe, but it’s ridiculous that you’re pretending like it’d be any issue to make 100 million grow if you magically got a sum like that.
Yeah, the FDIC is a an American institute. Most Swiss banks don’t deal with Americans.
What you’re talking about is actively investing. I’m using “invest” in it’s basest form.
What is it that you think is so unsafe in slopping a 100 million to a Swiss bank account? Like ofc, nothing is completely risk free, but looking at their history and reliability, what do you specifically think would happen to it? The banks crash?
Get on out of here with your inane libertarian “look I’m a big man in teh money game” bullshit. You’re literally trying to argue that it wouldn’t be completely trivial to make that kind of money grow. 1 month ago
It’s literally not trivial. Again why does the FDIC exist? I didn’t say where is it from. What is it for, what does it protect. Who benefits from its protection. Why do investors need to be accredited, why is there higher risk for accredited investors. And this is purely the intro to what I’m talking about. 1 month ago
“This is purely the intro to my garbage avoidance of reality.”
I don’t need to hear the rest.
The reality is that should someone give you a 100 million and you’re of normal intelligence, have no substance abuse issues or debts or anything of the like, it’d be trivial to invest some of that money into hiring professionals who know what they’re doing, and that your only requirements are to get, idk 100k a year to use for yourself, and to have it as safe as possible.
You disagree that that would be trivial to do? Soo… avoiding reality it is then.
We’re not talking about investing the money to “make money” in the sense that proper investors would with 100k that they would invest in what they deem to be worth the risk. They expect decent roi for that sort of money. But we’re talking about roi that would be enough to sustain a person living very moderately.
That’s literally not an issue at all. Although I used “Swiss banks” as a meme, because I know you won’t understand the nuances of European institutions and Swiss banks would probably actually charge for holding that money, so you’d want to put it in a German bank more so than a Swiss one. But there’s tons of safe options for just putting it in and being able to make HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of interest a year.
And your argument is that “no no you can’t do that what if the world economy collapses completely and money has no money left, huh? then you won’t have your interest if there’s no money in the world!” (I remember someone mentioning “strawmen” earlier…) 1 month ago
That’s a lot of writing to admit you have no idea what the meaning behind the words I said. Look if you can’t even understand the basics taught in the series 7, you are the target for the rich. 1 month ago
You’re just afraid to argue this because you know I’m right.
It’s beyond trivial to get a ~100k yearly roi on 100 million.