Comment on Saturday SOTD Thread - Sep 23, 2023 ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

September 23, 2023

2 passes. Face lather. Excellent shave.

As you can see by my straight shave count (since mid-July 2022), I’m not particularly experienced as a straight shaver. But, I very rarely nick myself, and my patterns easily give me comfortable BBS shaves. I’ve noticed a number of people on the sub starting to straight shave or, perhaps, returning to it as I did last year. Today’s shave was another great straight shave for me, and after I was done, I got to thinking about why straight shavers seem to always prefer a straight shave over a shave with another razor type. My theory is that because a straight can do significant harm if you are careless, developing patterns that are mindful and careful of the edge but are easy and natural to do with muscle memory makes us appreciate the whole experience more. Probably BS, but that’s my thought for today.

Enjoy your weekend!
