Comment on [deleted] 1 month agoThe important thing is that you found a way to feel superior to both sides.
Comment on [deleted] 1 month agoThe important thing is that you found a way to feel superior to both sides. 1 month ago
I don’t feel superior to either side inherently. I’m just sitting here in the middle seeing how absolutely brain rotten both sides can be.
Neither side can apparently see how fucking insane they sound because they both think they are objectively correct about absolutely everything at all times.
I’m not sitting here going “you’re both wrong” I’m sitting here going “will both of you please shut up and listen to the other side once in a blue moon for the love of God”.
I’m not even an “enlightened centrist”. I actually lean left, but because I’m not “left enough” I get downvoted for daring to call some of these delusional fucks out on their bullshit.