Comment on Sure hope my landlord *loves* pizza 1 month ago
I know that this is meant to be about bad worker/owner relationships but that pizza look delicious
Comment on Sure hope my landlord *loves* pizza 1 month ago
I know that this is meant to be about bad worker/owner relationships but that pizza look delicious 1 month ago
I take it you’ve never had it before. 1 month ago
IDK, is it a shitty brand? It looks like a pizza hut chicken supreme, but , due to the random quality of chain food, where you sometimes get dogshit, this one seems to have randomly had the cheese and toppings cooked just right for the cheese to start developing a bit of a crust but still have a great texture for the toppings.
Like, this is the holo-rare edition of that particular pizza hut pizza. 1 month ago
This pizza isn’t available to the public. I don’t know where it comes from, but every company in America gets the same exact pizza for the office. Im not even kidding. Its somehow always that pizza.
It might be good when it’s hot. No one knows for sure.