Comment on Debate: Therapy Is A Scam ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

Therapy can be valuable when you are ready for it. That means it is not always valuable.

The whole mental health system in America is a joke. It is a huge CYA to society. The entire system exists so that people can say they tried to help but they care nothing about efficacy.

Lets look at one issue. Medication. SSRIs are horrible. I will give you that, but they can provide some relief.

NOW, if you are truly struggling with depression holding onto stable employment can be near impossible. How do you arrange Doctor visits to get a prescription and afford medication all while struggling with depression?

You can't, not long term. Staying on medication is difficult, and what about people that have fallen out of society, how do they get help to get back into society? They don't. The programs that are there exist so that people can collect a paycheck, they count heads going in and out of the system as 'people helped' but never actually stop to see if their lives were improved at all.

I have no end of loathing for the mental health system in America.
