This is the funniest thing that’s ever happened to me on Lemmy, thanks
Comment on Feminists in their natural habitat of bigotry 5 weeks ago
Found another crazed feminist: Image 5 weeks ago 5 weeks ago
oh man another one bites the dust i mean another one shows up to spew their hate and intolerance and they think theyre so smart and so right but really theyre just drinking the kool aid and swallowing the lies hook line and sinker its just so sad and pathetic and theyre so brainwashed by the deepstate and the mainstream media that they cant even see the truth anymore theyre just mindless robots repeating the same old feminist talking points and mantras without even questioning anything its just incredible and i feel sorry for them really i do because theyre just pawns in a much bigger game and they dont even know it 5 weeks ago
Please go outside, dawg 5 weeks ago
Wonder how you’d react if the genders were reversed in those comments? You’d probably upvote and spew even more misandrist rhetoric, knowing your type. 5 weeks ago
I think any kind of reductive rhetoric (like you pointed out in your post) is harmful- yes, even if the roles are reversed. It seems like you’re making a lot of assumptions based on a couple words I typed out. 5 weeks ago
Is it really an assumption if it’s based on personal experience? You’re now saying that the reductive rhethoric is hurtful, but you started with how I was in the wrong. Funny how “reductive” you yourself were being.
The hypocrisy has clearly gone unnoticed.