Comment on Freejam studio closing with Robocraft and Robocraft 2 shutting down 1 month ago
Robocaft was my most played game on steam for many many years. It’s sad to see it shutting down, but it hasn’t been the game I fell in love with for so long it doesn’t feel like i’m missing much. The armor changes and the physics changes and then the regen and the pivot to loot boxes took so much from a great game 1 month ago
The loot boxes came along with the beginning of the changes that really spoke to me. Not the loot boxes themselves, but the pivot away from grinding for objectively better parts and toward a flatter structure where everything had its use case. Of course, it sucks that neither of us can play either of those versions anymore. 1 month ago
I started to fall off the game around when they reworked the chassis blocks to all be one tier. There was so much depth in balancing durability with trying to stay in the right tier. And having to actually protect your pilot seat.
Losing the specialization with the weapons and letting you out all of them in the same vehicle further removed any kind of tradeoffs and then the loot boxes completely ruined the progression system.
I wish they’d release server code, it would be sick to be able to run small community games 1 month ago
The presence of tiers at all was what bothered me. The version I liked most did have light and heavy blocks with tradeoffs so you could have that depth without wreaking havoc on matchmaking by splitting your player base into 10 different pools. 1 month ago
Ahh you may have played earlier than I did. Most of my playtime was around rise of the walkers. I think I started playing a couple months before the nano machine heal gun things.
I liked being able to pull higher tier stuff into lower tier games, and even grinding up the ladder before I was T10 it was pretty rare for it to feel super unfair.