It is indeed reminiscent of all the western influencers being invited by armies, police forces or prison systems (especially in the US). They also get paid for portraying a highly idealized or fake image of these institutions. Albeit there is a difference in that these influencers know upfront what they are getting into. Wanting to vlog about e.g. harmless-looking Chinese lifestyle topics and it being made into propaganda is a bit more insidious. 1 week ago
Foreign propaganda bad. Native propaganda good. 1 week ago 1 week ago
Hear me out, what if two wrongs don’t make a right? 1 week ago
What!? Next thing you know you’ll be telling me that imperialist nations are all bad and we shouldn’t be cheerleading the second biggest one just to spite the biggest. 1 week ago
I don’t think either are good, but it’s funny how it’s bad when the other guy is doing it. 1 week ago
Both are bad, doing propaganda because the other side is doing it too only makes things worse, and people defending China because the US does it (or vice-versa) are bootlicking whataboutists. 1 week ago
Thank you for calling this out. I’m disgusted by these people creeping out of the woodwork any time a dictatorship is being called out.