3 weeks ago
Tbh, you’re better off long term working a variety of areas. If you just work (as an example) peds all your career, you’ll have missed out on a lot, as well as being subject to more limited opportunities if you leave a given hospital/facility.
You get enough time in across a few specialities, you have a better chance of finding an ideal work environment. Plus, lower risk of burnout.
You’re right, it isn’t fair. But if administration has failed to fix the issue, and you’re being treated poorly by coworkers in one unit, switching wards is the only real answer unless you want to leave the hospital entirely.
But, I gotta warn you. The kind of gossipy, drama loaded environment you’re leaving isn’t an exception to the field of nursing. That’s the default. There’s too many opportunities for boredom, and way too many stressors for a group of nurses and related staff to not engage in that kind of mindless bullshit. That’s how even the best end up coping with the realities of the job often enough that it’s often engrained into the culture of nursing no matter where you go.
You gotta make this about you improving your skills, experience, mental health, and keep your eyes on the long term. Forget the other people, forget politics. Do the job, become even better at it, and you’ll eventually find a place that’s right. Or, you’ll decide it isn’t worth it, and either leave nursing nursing entirely or leave facility work. 3 weeks ago
thank you for this great advice