Comment on Regarding my new rules, how should i approach this, just ban what the rolling class dems as hate symbols, looking for feedback

<- View Parent ⁨1⁩ ⁨year⁩ ago

imo, I think this should generally be the case. However; If enough post become Jew Nose memes or black person lip memes then I have to mark ! as offensive and people new to the site won't be able to see it until they subscribe to it.

I think having the attitude that most things are acceptable most of the time and if there is any question always lean on the side of freedom.

But if someone comes here with a bunch of low quality post like we need less N***** and then spam post it, it drastically reduces the value of freeforum.

Having a freeforum extreme is like having two layers of freeforum. Free forum is still free because freeforum extreme is part of freeforum. It's just been split into two parts.

That doesn't mean we should ban people for saying a slur. But if someone is posting the same rascist post over and over we need to say, do that one layer deeper in freeforum extreme.

In this way, we keep the edgy nature of it without it devolving into consumeproduct. Almost everyone feels like they need a shower after going there.
