Black Flag was the first one I played. As a result I then played 3, then tried 2, which seemed mechanically a bit outdated (might try it again; just wish it’s health UI were more like Black Flag’s), so played Unity instead. Still have to try Syndicate, which seems to still be mechanically similar enough to the original formula to be interesting.
Played Origins past the first boss fight, but stopped since it no longer felt like an Assassin’s Creed game. Odyssey and Valhalla appear to replicate the Origins formula, so skipped them altogether. Might try Mirage at some point, given its lack of the RPG mechanics of the prior three games, but probably won’t get Shadows due to it seemingly returning in part to the RPG formula. 2 months ago
You’ve basically outlined everything people hate about modern assassin’s creed. It’s generally accepted that the last good ac was origins which came out in 2017, and while I do enjoy it, it was the start of ac becoming the generic open-world cookie-cutter rpg that it is today.
As cool as the upcoming game sounds, being set in Japan which people have been wanting for a very long time, and as much as I want to enjoy every ac game, the past few releases have just been chipping away my hope at getting something good