- Comment on What are the best indie games you've ever played? 11 months ago:
Yeah, StS really ruined me for other deckbuilders, and I’m still chasing that high. Some pretty good ones have been Power Chord and Banners of Ruin. They’re both team-based games where cards are tied to certain characters, and I think that particular mechanic adds enough that it took me a while to crack the code on them.
- Comment on Looking for emotional game recommendations 11 months ago:
To the Moon was great. It’s made with RPG Maker and it shows, but it hits hard.
- Comment on Anon thinks about human history 1 year ago:
I think laziness probably played a role, at least early on. There was an experiment in the 1960s (using a very loose definition of that word in the modern sense) which looked at harvesting grain in the Fertile Crescent using stone age tools. They found you could get about 1 kg of usable grain an hour that way, which would produce a slight surplus of calories for a year for a single person in about 200 hours (the number I saw was 3 weeks, but I did some back of the napkin math to check it). Barring the complications of figuring out how to actually store that much grain all at once, and actually learning to cultivating it intentionally, it seems like it might have been preferable to foraging constantly for some folks. Plus, it probably would have proven to be a more stable food source once people figured out storage, so lean months would have been a bit easier.
It was shortsighted laziness, though, because farming is definitely hard work, and likely no one expected it to become such a huge time sink. (Sorry for the slightly weird source; I couldn’t find the original paper not behind a paywall, but it seems like a not-terrible journal)