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- Comment on Well, it's officially over. Tom Hardy says George Miller’s "MAD MAX: FURY ROAD" prequel "THE WASTELAND" is no longer happening. 8 months ago:
Bad people can make good art. I’d never want to meet him, but I can’t say he didn’t kill it in Signs. I’ve never seen it, but I hear amazing things about Braveheart
- Comment on Panik 1 year ago:
It goes like this
create 2 distinct numbers by isolating the last digit from the other. For example, 154 becomes 15 and 4.
double the number derived from the last digit. So, the four becomes 8.
3)subtract from the number derived from the preceeding digits. 15 - 8.
- the resulting number is 7. Seven is divisible by 7, so we know 154 is divisible by 7.