- Comment on Wrye Notes: Open Modding 4 weeks ago:
Cathedral modding is also similar in ideology to the Unix style of software development.
Each piece seeks to do its job well and without coloring too far outside the lines so that many pieces can come together to satisfy the users needs.
- Comment on Geology of Minecraft: Iron Ore, Facts and Fiction - Gneiss Name 2 months ago:
This was a super cool video. I love the channel anyway, but this video was particularly good.
- Comment on What are some video game quotes that is stuck in your head? 3 months ago:
I need to finish that at some point
- Comment on [deleted] 3 months ago:
Yea I gotta agree with the other comment. This is just the same point worded differently over and over. Also why even bother with the AI script, probably AI generated video and AI voice?? Like why even bother making it in the first place?
- Comment on Here are the patents Nintendo and The Pokémon Company are suing Palworld over 3 months ago:
What he might be referring to is that you can’t patent code, at least in the US. But, the lawsuit is in Japan, so who tf knows.
- Comment on Morrigan isn't just my favourite Dragon Age character, she's the greatest fantasy RPG companion of all time 3 months ago:
I might be biased as Origins was my first cRPG other than KotOR, but I still love playing through it. Just a real solid high fantasy story thats a touch grittier than you’d expect.
- Comment on Morrigan isn't just my favourite Dragon Age character, she's the greatest fantasy RPG companion of all time 3 months ago:
I love Atton until about halfway through the game. It feels like he was half-finished and there’s just a huge section of the game where he has no more fun conversation.
- Comment on Why are collard greens called greens is it the color? And if so how come there is not a rainbow of different colored collards? 6 months ago:
I gotcha, I just misunderstood the intention of your comment! My bad lol
- Comment on Why are collard greens called greens is it the color? And if so how come there is not a rainbow of different colored collards? 6 months ago:
Collards are a specific variety of brassicacea like cauliflower, broccoli, etc. Not a generic term.
- Comment on Anon tries to flirt? 7 months ago:
I mean there’s also something to say for not being interested in flirting and wanting to be there for the event? They started touching him without permission. He, or anyone else, would be absolutely justified in not wanting that.
- Comment on What do to if I survive a nuclear blast in my city? 7 months ago:
As long as possible to an indeterminate time and/or when aiuthorities indicate to leave.
- Comment on The RPG that inspired Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, and Demon’s Souls is now more playable than ever - Wizardry! 9 months ago:
Awesome idea for a D&D monster though. A coin mimic which only attacks when you try to spend it lol
- Comment on Manor Lords is off to a flying start on Steam, just hours after its early access release 10 months ago:
Literally not at all. It’s a completely different genre.
- Comment on military industrial publishing complex 10 months ago:
Also, if you’re not in a rush, just email the authors!
A vast majority of professors and researchers hate the publishing industry as much as anyone, and will be happy to shoot you a pdf if you’re interested in their work!
- Comment on Star Trek: Resurgence - Jonathan Frakes // What does Star Trek: Resurgence remind you of? 1 year ago:
Man why does it have to be on Epic? Like I don’t despise Epic like a lot of people, but it’s still a pain in the ass to deal with.
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
Fair play. I’ll absolutely concede that your position makes sense. It’s not quite how I envision it, nor understand it, but that’s fine lol
- Comment on [deleted] 1 year ago:
AAA just refers to production scale/marketing budget. While it can often be conflated with high quality, that’s not what the term refers to. Similarly, Indie does not mean low quality, high quality, or a particular level of risk
Madden, as a famous example, has always been AAA, but has rarely innovated much.
- Comment on Starfield install size revealed, available to preload now 1 year ago:
I’m here for data holocrons.
Just like set into an interface built into your desk and boom, hard drive.
Make it open up like jedi holocrons and I’ll buy 10 just to play with them