- Comment on What kind of laptop charger do I need for my laptop 6 months ago:
Can you dig it out of the trash? If it’s wall-side it can normally be repaired.
- Comment on What kind of laptop charger do I need for my laptop 6 months ago:
Is it just the frayed wires that’s causing the issue? Did they short together to destroy the charger?
- Comment on What kind of laptop charger do I need for my laptop 6 months ago:
That’s true, but they use nonstandard voltages on their chargers, and it can be tough to find an aftermarket that matches both the voltage and current of stock. Then you run into the “Dell has detected a non-Dell charger” scenario.
- Comment on What kind of laptop charger do I need for my laptop 6 months ago:
If they don’t match exactly, the laptop will lock you into power saving mode or battery operation only. Real John Deere vibes.
- Comment on What kind of laptop charger do I need for my laptop 6 months ago:
Dell is really crappy about third party chargers, regardless of I/E. When you get one of their laptops, you are stuck in their ecosystem. They used to do this with memory as well… then they didn’t… then they did again. Don’t know which phase they’re on right now, but I’d dig on eBay or Craigslist for an exact replacement.
- Comment on Proboscis Monkeys' Bulbous Noses Send Females Wild At The Sight – And Sound – Of Them 8 months ago:
My panache
- Comment on Thomas Edison was the Elon musk of his era 9 months ago:
please. SIT. on my FACE
- Comment on I have unlimited cellular data on my phone but not if I use it as a hotspot. 10 months ago:
They look at the TTL of the incoming packets. This can be modified in the windows registry.
- Comment on Okay, but Mötley is a pretty awesome name. 10 months ago:
Leazel sound githyanki
- Comment on I'm loose bottom, tag yourself 11 months ago:
I thought Donkey Town was in Tijuana
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Right now I’d say pass, after the big patch who knows. Really lazy writing in the story, every quest midgame is a fetch, and if you do a single event you will get OP in one session.
If you grab it on sale, don’t spec into wall ride for your parkour. It will constantly interrupt your jumps and hangs… Makes me personally nauseous and I play in VR half of the time.
- Comment on The Weekly 'What are you playing?' Discussion 1 year ago:
Working on 100% in Inkbound, revisiting Dying Light 2 with some friends for the new patch, went back to Insurgency for my milsim fix, and reinstalled Last Epoch in prep for 1.0.
- Comment on The Day Before is finally out, and according to its Steam reviews, it absolutely honks 1 year ago:
Honks is bad. “Article” is just some quotes from steam reviews and a paragraph about why people are mad about the game. Tldr is that it didn’t meet expectations set by the previews.